3 good reasons to join GPB
Reason No. 1 to join the GPB Association
Project oriented work
You are looking for a dedicated community that is committed to development projects worldwide. In doing so, you want to contribute and expand the competencies and innovations of your company or organization in a meaningful, sustainable and profitable way.
Reason No. 2 to join the GPB Association
Trusted ecosystems
You want to look beyond the horizon of your own industry and your own economic area. In an environment of trust, with us you will find contact to stakeholders from business, science, the financial sector, civil society, culture, public administration and politics in Germany, Europe and internationally.
Reason No. 3 to join the GPB Association
Collaboration and Partnership
You have promising project ideas and want to finally realize them. Find your reliable business partners for project development, investment and business operation in the Community Global Partners Bayern and beyond.